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HELP naked crab

21 14:55:33

I bought two hermit crabs about a month ago and I thought that I was caring for them well. They seemed playful and happy, very energetic until one day I forgot to replenish their water supply. The next night I remembered and was relieved when there was plenty of water still in the dishes. So I went to check on the crabs and Fred was out of his shell! So I used the cup method to try to get him back in on his own, that didn't work, so i very carefully and gently tried to ease the very tip of his abdomen into the shell and he seemed to contract and slip right back into the shell but now he's lethargic and won't come out at all! Have I hurt him terribly, what should I do now? please answer ASAP!

I don't think you have hurt him at all. There is a very low survival rate with out of shell crabs. Just keep temp. and humidity at perfect levels and let the tank be dark. Provide salt water along with fresh water. that is the only thing you can do.