Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > my hermit crabs leg came off

my hermit crabs leg came off

21 14:56:02

he was molting and i thought he was dead so i was helping him through the molting process and his leg came off! i wasnt messing with his leg it somehow got caught in his old shell and its off now!!! Will he die?!??!?!

Megan,                                                                  They molt rarely , but do fine by themselves.....its ok... his leg will grow back on his next molt which may be awhile ...don't worry he should be fine. Sometimes they remove their own limbs from stress this is called autonomy. As long as his appetite comes back which I am sure it will it will be ok...... next time he is molting do not help him it may take awhile , but they know what their doing they have been doing it without us for yrs..... don't feel bad I have done the same thing. I have tons of them and Sam was buried and taking forever.... so I helped. He is fine ...... Good Luck, Tina