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conditions to mate

21 14:56:03

what are the conditions for 2 land hermit crabs to mate(have babies) and do you think that i should try to get them to mate i already have 3 land hermit crabs


Dear Jeff,
thank you for your question.
Land hermit crabs usually don't breed in captivity. It's been done once by a private owner in Australia, but even he didn't manage to repeat it. You will need a saltwater tank for the larvae as well as a good and steady supply of brine shrimp for them to feed on.
It's not really clear what exactly makes crab mate, but you will definitely need a big saltwater pool, preferably with some kind of motion to imitate waves. Moonlight make play a part (can be imitated with moonlight bulbs).
You can find a link to a booklet written by the Australian crab owner here, he describes his setup and method of raising the zoea very well:
I hope I was of some help to you