Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > My Crab Has Dropped 5 limbs inc Both Claws In The Last 2 Days! Help!!!

My Crab Has Dropped 5 limbs inc Both Claws In The Last 2 Days! Help!!!

21 14:58:13

My Crab Has Dropped 5 limbs including Both Claws In The Last 2 Days. I have 4 crabs but i don't know what is wrong. he doesn't seem to be stressed and the other crabs always keep away from him... he hasn't fought and at all...

Dear Andrew,
thank you for your question.
It might be that your crab is sick, since they are wildcaught, they often have parasites or other disease. There's not much you can do about this except keeping the conditions perfect and leaving the crab alone. It's possible that the crab will pull though after all, but when they drop so many limps in such a short time, that's always a bad sign. Offer him some honey, it's good food for sick crabs, and make cure he has plenty of protein and caliucm (krill is great for that as well as dead crickets or locusts).
I'm sorry that I cannot be of more help to you