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21 14:58:19



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Question -
tell me some interested hermit crab facts even there feeding and stuff im very interested what are they like?

Answer -
Well there is so much I could tell you, are you interested is possibly getting some as pets? I mean the reason for you wanting info would help me know better as to what to tell you.
I will start with some bascis and then we can go from there if you like.

Land Hermit Crabs are wild exotic tropical terrestrial crustaceans. They are crbs but live on the land, they are called Hermit Crabs NOT because they like to be alone, but because of the shell they have on their backs, they are alone in there and when tucked safely inside are protected and safe.

They breathe through modified gills, so, they do not have full functioning gills, but modified ones, meaning they need warm and humid air in order to breathe and live. Their gills need the moisture to properly extract the oxygen out of the air, for this reason they keep a small reserve of water within their shell with them.

In order to keep them for any length of time a pet owner must provide a warm and humid tank with light and shady areas, sand in which to dig and both fresh and salt water supplies as well as food. One must ALWAYS keep more than one hermit crab as a pet.

There has been a long myth that hermit crabs are great starter pets, are cheap and easy to take care of, but that is completly false. $100.00 is the minimum for a complete set-up not including the crabs. There is daily, weekly and monthly maintenence that MUST be done and the tank temp and humidity levels must be monitored 24/7 and adjusted as needed.

They are not a typical pet, they do not like to be bothered that much, there are time sin a crabs life that it shloud never be touched in fact, when moulting and when de-stressing.

Moulting is the process of growth when the hermit crab sheds his old exo-skeleton and hardens a new slightly larger one. This is the most sensitive and stressful time of a crab's life and it shloud never be handled during this process that lasts from 2 weeks to 6 months.

During a moult a hermit crab who has lost a leg, feeler, or eye can regenerate it and grow a new one. With in several moults the limb will be regrown into full size.

Hermit crabs do not hear but feel vibrations. They see through compound eyes similar to a fly, therefore they have little sence of depth/distance and tend to fall a lot, but that also helps them be fearless when it comes to climbing. Some hermit crabs in the wild will go to the canopy of the trees over 1,000 feet in the air!
They smell through their feelers and they also urinate throught the base of the smaller feelers, it is usually dispersed in the air rather than droplets.

Land Hermit Crabs will not breed in captivity. If one were to have eggs the zoea would never survive longer than a few days. The eggs must be released into the ocean in order to survive and no at home set up, including salt water aquariums, propelry mimic what the zoea require in order to survive.

Now as far as food, they are omnivorus which means they eat/scavenge for anything from plant matter to meat. IN the wild they feed on decaying plants, veggies and fruits as well as decaying meats like fish or other animals, they will eat animal fecal matter/droppings as well as vegetation that is fresh and growing, roots and anything else they can find tasty.

When owning hermit crabs as pets a heathly and varied diet is crutial. One must provide food to the crabs in dishes at ALL TIMES. every 24 hours switching the dishes for clean one with fresh food. They must be provided with fresh fruits, veggies, meats, fish and whole grains. Never offer them the same thing two times in a row.

Since they are beach loving creatures and live on or near the beach and return to the ocean to breed it is a must the one provides not only fresh de-chlorinated water but also natural oceanic or marine salt de-chlorinated water. This is a must and must never be missed.
The dishes must be big and deep enough for the largest crab to fully submerse it's self. This is also important so the crab can take on water for moulting and hydration, to flush it;s shell free from debris, to help heal wounds and to take water into itis shell for breathing and wetting the sand.

Well I am not sure what else you would like to know, there is a ton more. I will stop here for now. Please let me know if I have answered any questions you may have had.

Thank you!

No i dont want anymore information i want a pet that i can be with anytime  

Well you definatly can be with hermit crabs all the time, but there are certain times they shloud not be handled and are mostly a look at type of animals at those times. You shloudn't travel with them or anyhting liek that but can be very enjoyable at all times.
Also many times they stay burried for extended time periods and you will not see them and should not dig them  up.

I have had some tell me they are baring and not fun at all so it depends on what you are looking for in a pet. But thank you for asking me for some info to help you with a pet decision!
