Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > help me please

help me please

21 14:56:52

one of my hermit crabs just died.and now one of my crabs is carrying around that shell. that 1 of the cabs died in and i don't know why???

Dear Brittani,
thank you for your question.
If you bought the crab recently, it may be that the crab died from stress. They are caught, shipped and then kept at usually less than ideal conditions at the wholesaler's and at the pet store. This causes a lot of stress for them and they can die from it up to two months after you brought them home even if you do everything right (it's called PPS = Post Purchase Stress).
Here are some websites with excellent information on crab care, I recommend reading them to make sure that you are doing nothing wrong:

I hope I was of some help to you