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getting to know my crab

21 14:55:12

hi, i am wondering how i get my hermit crab (Steve) to come out and get to know me but he is very shy and i don't think he likes me. i think he is an Ecuadorian crab. i have two crabs Steve and Kermit. Kermit loves me and she always comes out to climb on me ever since i got her but Steve never does is there something i can do to promote a bonding between us? and i have another question in my crabs cage for a substrate i have a kind of coarse beach sand that i purchased from my local wall-mart is that ok for them to molt in and should i add any water to it? i read on a site that it is best to use a fine playing sand (like in a child Sand box) and to put some water in it to make it moist but the only problem i have with water in their cage is that it is a cage not a glass aquarium. i made it myself and they both like that they can climb in it but i don't have much if any moisture in it. can you help me? thank you Michelle.

Dear Michelle,

Steve is probably one of those very closed hermit crabs. I had a hermit crab like him, named Shelby, and she was very timid, and shy of the outdoor world. What you can do is put your finger in front of him, because he will still see you while he is hiding out in his shell. Keep your finger in front of him for a while. Don't make any sudden movements, or noises that will startle him. Maybe a sweet voice. He may start to come out, but this could take a while for him to get used to. Another thing you could do for him is buy a hermit crab hut, or if you like making things, make him a hut. Here are examples:

Just copy these into your hyper link search engine bar. Huts make your hermit crab feel safe, and if you show him a hut, where he will be happy, then he'll be happy with you and trust you for giving him a hut, which they also love sleeping in and playing in and on. If he doesn't come out, try to get him to get along with  Kermit by simply picking them up and placing them next to each other, then he someone to feel comfortable with. I did that with Shelby, and my other hermit crab, Sparkle. Pick up Steve often, and rub his shell. He will be able to hear it, but make it a gentle rub. Look inside his shell, so he sees you. He should eventually get used to you, and get to know you. This could take a while.

If you are really unsure about the material for your hermit crabs to rest on, then maybe you should buy some gravel. Hermit crabs love gravel, and that can keep them cool all the time. You don't necessarily have to moisten the sand, but it's recommended. You don't really have to. Here is some gravel:

I hope I helped, and thank you so much for choosing me as an expert. If you need to ask any further questions, then just e-mail me or ask a follow-up. Good luck with Steve! Thanks again.
