Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > shell


21 14:56:30

i just got a hermit crab and he had came out of his shell last night but I don't have a shell for him at the moment. we are going to get him one in the morning the next day but will he die from now until then. but then the other hermit crab had got into the one that doesn't have a shell but he won't get intothat shell maybe it's to small. but i only had him for three days,i love him. how do i keep him alive. HELP!!!!!

With good humidity and temperature he can do well for several days. However, if he voluntarily came out of his shell, that may mean that something larger is wrong with your crab.

What is your humidity/temp?
What do you feed them?
Do you offer water bowls? Salt? Fresh? Dechlorinated?
What kind of substrate do you have?
What do you feed them?

The answers to these questions will help me figure out what is wrong with your buddy.