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white and molting

21 14:56:29

My hermit crab of 5 years is molting, or so I think.  He has been buried for about a month now - but he's buried under the sand, against the side of the glass tank so I can see what's going on.  I can see his entire shedded exoskelton laying infront of his buried shell, and his new dark body in his shell (because his shell is tilted back at a 30 degree angle) - but he isn't moving at all and his limbs have some whiteness to them, like solid white snowflakes covering his farthest limbs.  The tank doesn't smell fishy - so I can't tell if he's passed or not.  Please let me know what's up and what I can do.  Many thanks - Samantha.

Sorry, I thought I had answered this one already. How long has his exo been off? If it's been more than a week with the exo off and you haven't seen any movement I would suspect that the  white stuff is mold and that your crab has passed on. If he's still not moving today, go ahead and carefully dig for him.