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newly molted crab out of shell

21 14:57:00

Hello LolaGranola,
It is day 4 since our hermit crab molted, and she still has not chosen a new
shell; we've got several available. She's been a little active-coming out of her
coconut hut to dip her tail into both the salt and fresh water. It looks likes
she's eating up her old exo. We're very worried about her. Temp and humidity
Have you ever had this happen? Should we continue to leave her alone? Is
there something else we should be doing?
Thank you

Your crabby is naked? If so, Take all of the available shells including her old one. Rinse them in dechlorinated water and put her in a tub with her shells and put the container in the tank. If that does not work after a few hours, you can use a more extreme method. Take her old shell, place her back end into the opening and gently tap on her shell behind her head. This will usually prompt them to withdraw into the shell reflexively.