Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > ermergency help!

ermergency help!

21 14:56:44

QUESTION:  thought my hermit crab was dead that I had for 2 yrs now. i did put in iso tank just incase of a molt and today i picked it up and the body came out. i noticed a little pink claw still inside so i assume it molted. i left old skeleton in there with food and sea sponge. what should i be doing now? please help

ANSWER: Dear Karen,
thank you for your question.
You did the right thing, the crab needs to rest now. Leave it alone as much as possible, it will harden out and then may bury itself to destress after the molt. Offer fresh and salt water, honey is also a good food after a molt, it's an energy-booster. Krill, dead crickets or mealworms, silkworms, extra cuttlebone and mushrooms contain calcium and chitin, which the crab needs to replenish right now.
If you are interested, take a lok at these websites, there's a lot of excellent info on crab care to be found there:

I hope I was of some help to you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I checked on him this morning and his claw doesnt look as pink as it did yesterday. it looks kinda whitish. I dont smell anything like he's dying or a fishy smell. just left him alone. is this color change normal?
thank you so much for your response so quickly. please email back to me at work at so i get your answer quicker.

Thanks again so much

Dear Karen,
I'm sorry I took so long, but my internet access was down for the last days. It's normal that the colour is changing while the exoskeleton is hardening out. As long as the crab doesn't start to smell, just leave him alone, it sounds like everyhting is going fine.