Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > substrate and new owner

substrate and new owner

21 14:52:46

QUESTION: Hello there,
I just got two hermit crabs yesterday from a store that had no substrate!
They are now happily living in their new home that actually has the right temperature and humidity (both are a little above 70 right now)
My question is, why wont they burrow? Do they not know how? Is there a way to teach them?
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but i know they need to dig to molt so i want to make sure they will be ok. I have gravel substrate (sand is sooo expensive)
Thanks so much this is a really great site!

ANSWER: The problem is the gravel. It's a poor substrate and they will not dig in it. Try getting some cocofiber (like EcoEarth or TropiSoil) or get playsand from the hardware store.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is playsand from the hardware store ok?
I heard that silica is really bad not only for hermit crabs, but for people as well.
Thank again

When dry, it can be harmful and I always wear protective mask when working with it dry. When wet it is harmless and crabs prefer moist sand. If you are concerned, use tropisoil/ecoearth which you can buy in bricks at your petstore in the reptile section.