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Going on a 9 day vacation..

21 14:54:32

I am going to Disney World for my birthday and Halloween! I will be gone for 8 days and get back on the ninth day (at night) and I wanted to know, what should I do with my 3 hermit crabs? I've gone for trips about 4 days long before by leaving them alone with plenty of food and water and a moist crabititat. I've left them with neighbors before, also. I need to know by October twenty-fourth. Please tell me soon! I've never left hermit crabs for that long, alone. My Mom suggested leaving a tall glass of water and putting plastic wrap over the lid so the water would evaporate. My Dad says the crabs (being curious beings) would knock it over and drown.

Thanks for Reading!
Patty Kay =)

My first suggestion would be to get someone to check on them for you. If that's not possible then make sure to leave a few food bowls of dried foods for them. I'd also leave a few water dishes for them, if you have any tupperware you can fill up one and add some plastic netting, fish net, rocks or plants to help them crawl out if one goes into the tupperware.

If you have and crab safe moss you can moisten that with salt water and add that to the tank. That will help with humidity as well as food source.