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What is my hermit crab doing??

21 14:57:15

i have this hermit crab.i have had it for about 5 months has been very cold latly but is its tank is close to the heater and i have the heater on at has not been crawling only twitching now and then.i do not think it is dead but i do not want to risk was looking alittle drie today and since he was not going to his water bowl i tipped alittle bit of water around his legs.i have not smelt anything so i dont't think he is dead yet.
Please help quickly !!!

Sprayt down teh whole tank very well with a spray bottle like the ones you get to wet your hair dont use one thats had any cemicals in it it will kill your crabs very easily. You can get one at the dollar should spray down the tank well once a day.