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molting and mites

21 14:53:31

Hi there,

My tank was mite-infested and so I have taken out all the old sand and toys etc, thrown out the sand and washed all the items in boiling salt water and washed the tank out with boiling water with a little vinegar and salt in it. Now that I am replacing the sand, do I need to bake it first? Also, I am putting in some coconut fiber - does that need to be baked too? If so, at what temperature?
Lastly, when the tank was mite-infested, I needed to dig up two crabs. One had molted and was fine, the other was mid-molt. I thought I had killed him, but he appears to be ok and is finishing his molt in a sand-filled take-away container that is covered and placed within the big crabitat. Is there anything I should do for him? I had to put some of the old sand in the container (which I fear might be mite-infested) and I don't want to risk re-infesting the tank, but I also don't want to disturb the poor little guy again while he is molting. Your advice would be greatly appreciated!


Okay I'll try to answer this in sections.
First - Mites.

Are you 100% sure you had mites? We often find that crabitats get springtails and booklice and other beneficial or neutral insects that aren't actually mites. I'd say 80% of the time the bugs are harmless. Dangerous mites you will actually find attached to your crab in their joints and on their abdomen. I know that you've already done the cleaning but this might put your mind at ease a little bit more about resetting your crabitat.

You do not need to bake the sand, the cocofiber should be reconstituted with salt water or it will mold but do not bake it.

Leave him be unless you find mites on his body. Once he's eaten his exo and is running around give him a bath and reintroduce him to the tank.