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why are my crabbies dying???

21 14:55:28

LolaGranola, I've been keeping hermit crabs (purple pitchers) for  a few months now.  I did some research on them and thought I had everything set up right, but I must be doing something wrong.  With the exception of one,  which has always been very active, all of my other (three total) have died.  The most recent died after I had him/her for about three months.  I have them in a 20 gal tank, temp stays around 80-82 and humidity about 80-85.  I feed them a mixture of dry fish food flakes, blood worms and hermit crab food.  I also provide them with fresh and salt water.  I've heard that hermit crabs can live for years so I know something has to be wrong.  Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Try offering less commercial foods and more foods from your kitchen. They like fresh meats like shrimp with the skin on, peanut butter, honey, organic veggies, rose petals, maple leaves, popcorn.

Make sure noone is smoking or spraying any chemicals in the room with the tank.

Do you dechlorinate the water?