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lost legs and dripping

21 14:56:07

I just notcied today that my carb has lost 2 legs on the right side. Also, when I put her on the floor I noticed after she started crawling that there was a small puddle of somthing under it and as they crawled, there was dripping behind it for a few seconds. This happened two more times, a puddle and trail. What could be going on? I have done some research, and there is nothing that talks about the dripping.

What is your temperature/humidity?  Leg loss usually due to stress and an indication that something is wrong in the tank. That most often is a temp/humidity problem. Do you offer salt water as well as fresh?

As for the dripping, thankfully there is an easy answer for that one. That is shell water. Crabs fill their shells with water and when they move too quickly inside sometimes it spills out. Nothing to worry about!