Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Hermit Crab Shell Changing

Hermit Crab Shell Changing

21 14:53:16

I have been "crab sitting" for someone for the last three weeks.  Things have
gone well, and the crab is definitely out-growing his/her shell.  About two
weeks ago, he changed into a shell, but back into his regular shell within the
day, but yesterday he went through 5 different shells and is in his third one
tonight.  In fact, I saw him do the last change and it was quite interesting.  My
question is this "flurry" of shell activity a sign that he is more than ready to
change or is it possible that it is a sign that something is wrong?  He seems
to be eating, etc and doing his normal activities.  Thanks for your answers!

Wow! What a great crab babysitter you are!

You're doing everything right. The little crab is just shell shopping. As long as he's going from shell to shell he's fine. If he goes naked for more than an hour or so, then you might need to do some troubleshooting.