Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > wet or dry sand

wet or dry sand

21 14:55:59

ok so i know that in an iso tank or the molting tank the sand should be moist but for everyday running around and playing in the main tank can the sand be dry if the humidity and temp are correct? or does it have to be moist as well? or are there differing opinions?

There are different options.

If you choose to ISO your molters then you can get away with dry substrate in your main tank although you don't have to have wet in the ISO unless you want to. Part of the reason that they dig down is for protection. Just make sure there are caves and cocohuts for them to hide in.

More people prefer to keep damp substrated in your main tank and allow them to molt there. This is what I do. It is MUCH less labor intensive and space consuming than isolating each molter every time. Just make sure your substrate is 1 1/2 times taller than your biggest crab's shell.