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hermit crab after molting

21 14:55:28

hello, About a week ago one of my hermit crabs have molted and now it is moving around the iso tank. Is it able to go back into the main tank with the other hermit crabs?  And how do I know if their male of female?

Dear Brandi,
thank you for your question.
As soon as a crab is moving around and active again, it can go back into the main tank.
If you want to sex your crabs, hold them over a table so that they have to stretch to reach the ground. Take a look at the legs from behind, if you see two tiny openings at the first segment of the first pair of legs (closest to the shell), the crab is female. The openings are her gonopores, where the male will place his sperm when they mate. You can see pictures of male and female crabs here:
I hope I was of some help to you