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strawberry crab turning white

21 14:56:15

I just bought 3 big strawberry crabs from petco plus I have 5 small crabs that are the reddish brown ones... anyway I have them all in the same tank and today when I was cleaning the tank i found one of the strawberry crabs was turning white and he also lost a leg. then i picked up another one of the strawberry crabs and saw he was turning white also.. later today the one that lost his leg died but everyone else seems fine except the other that is turning white. can you tell me what is wrong with him so my other strawberry crab doesn't die or get it. the smaller regular ones are very active and look fine but I'm afraid of the bigger ones are getting sick.. please help

Straws are the hardest of all the hermit crabs to care for because they have such special needs. I would bet that they are stressed from the harvest and transport if they are new to you.

First make sure that you are meeting all of their needs.

1. Straws need space. Really a minimum for straws would be 10 gallons per crab. They are climbers and diggers and usual do not do well in smaller tanks.

2. Temperature and humidity consistantly at 80 degrees/80%. While other species tolerate it a little lower, straws do not.

3. A salt water pond that they can completely submerge themselves in.

Straws that are under stress often lose their color. Dropping legs is also a sign of stress. If you don't have these things set up, give it a try and see if it helps.

Please let me know how it turns out!