Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Molting crab has been cannibilized by roomates

Molting crab has been cannibilized by roomates

21 14:52:27

Help!  I woke today to find one of my crabs in what looks like an end-stage molt.  He had been dug up/out of shell by another crab and was being eaten, probably longer than I realized.  He is alert but only has 3 small claws and is not in his shell.  I have him isolated (with another molter)and have provided egg shell and water.  He is currently curled up in an empty seashell/feeder shell.  This looks hopeless and I am extremely sad that I did not recognize what was going on earlier.  Thank you for any help.  The humidity is 70%-I have the top covered with saran wrap, the water is bottled spring water.

He needs ocean style salt water and make sure the temperature is between 74 and 82. Give him a dip in the salt water and then in the fresh water. Rinse out his old shell really well and place his butt end into it. Tap him lightly on his armor plate, just behind his eyes. That will trigger the withdrawal reflex. Offer him some steamed shrimp with the tail still on and some organic raw honey. You can place honey on his open wounds if he has any.

Good luck!