Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > I dont know whats hapening

I dont know whats hapening

21 14:53:16

hi i got my hermit crab three days ago I'm worried he was fast in the store and today he is slow moving and is sleeping more so what can i do to help him get more active?O and one more thing I actually figured out that my crabitat is like an 8 gallon tank and i know my parents wouldn't let me get a bigger one so is it ok for one hermit crab?

PS:Hes sleeping on my blanket right now while im typing it.

how do i get him off

The number one reason that new crabs slow down and stop moving is poor humidity. Your humidity needs to be between 74 and 82 and so does your temperature.

One or two hermit crabs will be fine in that size tank as long as they are not too big.

If you just got him three days ago, leave him in the tank alone for a week or two to give him a chance to destress.