Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Broken Claw

Broken Claw

21 14:51:33

My Name is Nicole and my mom runs a daycare. A little boy reached in and took the crab, I did not think it was a big deal because it has the shell to protect it but when my mom screamed I saw a claw in one hand and the crab in the other still hiding in its shell. It was the big fat claw. Does that mean my crab is going to die or will it grow another.  The crab itself in the shell kept moving when we were trying to figure out if it was dead or not. I'm really sad. Everything was still in the claw so it broke right off, it did not shed off.
Please respond to me as soon as possible, because I do not know what to do? Thank you sooo very much.

Odds are pretty good that it will regenerate it when it molts but there is also a possibility that it will die from shock. Hermit crabs generally do not make great pets for kids. I would also be concerned about pinching as crabs will pinch and little fingers are very soft.