Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > good news and bad news

good news and bad news

21 14:56:46

hi again. i was wondering again about molting. yesterday i had confirmed that it was dead so i had went to pick it up and its claw was moving. he was kind of trying to get away so that was good news to me. the bad news or question is i found it upside down the other day and moved him right. then when i came back i had seen it upside down. i moved him right again but when i observed what was happening i found out that my younger hermit crab, who had just molted, had been moving him upside down. i need help to find if that is just strange behavior or just a thing they do. please respond ASAP PLEASE!!!

Dear Josh,
thank you for your question.
Normally, the other crabs leave molters alone. I recommend putting the molting crab into a small container inside the main tank or into a separate isolation tank so that he can complete the molt without being disturbed all the time.
I hope I was of some help to you