Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > lighting


21 14:56:07

QUESTION: Is it necessary to have uVA/UVB bulbs or is it ok to just have a regular light bulb for light.   Also, I just bought  second hermit crab and he changed shells within an hour and is now completely buried...Did he decide to molt that quick? My other one has been buried for about a week and I cannot find where he is buried in the cage, should I skim the sand to find out where he is or just find him when he decides to re-emerge?  Thanks for the info, I really love the little guys and want to do the best for them.

ANSWER: UVA/UVB does help a crab be healthier. They get a lot of boost to their metabolisms from sunlight.

He is probably destressing rather than molting but it is not unheard of for a crab to go down to molt so soon. Just leave him be, he knows what he is doing!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Over the last few days, I can see he re-emerges at night based on the cage messed up in the morning....he also decided to play merry go shell again last night....but reburied himself..........also my other one has not unburied himself at all since he did it over a week ago...Do they unbury to get food at night and come to the surface if they are molting or do they stay completely buried he whole time and not eat?  I need to dampen the bedding mix completely again, but can only do it with a spray bottle because I do not want to disturb him if he's molting.........

They will not come back up if they are molting, until they are finished. You are right in thinking that you cannot rewet the substrate but if it is drying out quickly you might want to check your humidity in your tank to make sure it is within proper range (74-82)