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What is it?????

21 14:51:46

I was watching my crabbies on night and the one was just relaxing and it looked like eating the coconut crabitat dirt in a corner and I looked up close to see what he was doing and there was this small really thin but long worm looking thing coming out of the bottom of it's shell. It looked like it had an mini claw on the end of it and it was grabbing at the bottom of my crabs legs and it's claw that taking little pieces of coconut and handing it to it. What was that thing?????

:) what you saw is what is called a cheliped. A crab has 10 sets of legs. 1 set of pinches, 2 sets of walking legs, and 2 sets of "shell legs" These legs are very small (worm like) and can do a lot of stuff. Also, crabs have mouth parts that are capable of picking up small bits of food and putting them into the crabs mouth. Fascinating isn't it?

Her's a video of my Hermit Crab Clancy eating some cork bark!