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hermit land crabs and rat poison

21 14:56:25

QUESTION: I am writing from our winter residence in Anguilla, British West Indies, Caribbean. We have a large population of native hermit land crabs here, very similar to those typically available in pet stores.  We also have trouble with rats which we sucessfully control on our property with rat poison-the wax block, weather proof variety.  I place the poison blocks in small coffee cans on their sides and have always been sucessful in eliminating the rats while over the period of last two years, had never seen a crab in the cans, which was my intent.  Now the crabs are entering the cans for the poison, which is of course unacceptable.  We see tons of crabs every day all over out property but when we are out at night, we never see any.  So I have been restricting the poison to night time use since the rats are clearly nocturnal and I suspected the crabs were diurnal.  Now I see online that land hermit crabs are described as nocturnal.  Any input on this?  Also, with regard to climbing surfaces, any suggestions for placing the poison so unobtainable by the crabs but still available to the rats. Thank you.

ANSWER: Rick,          I don't want to answer to quickly on this. Crab in the wild may be a little different ... especially the type where you are which are commonly known as tree crabs, soldier crabs, and purple pinchers.In captivity they are known to be nocturnal, Though I have seen them move around quite abit during the day. You have quite a dilemma on your hands and I  understand your concern for the little buggers, Please let me give this a little more research and I will see what I can find out that might be helpful in this situation. In the meantime you might want to get in touch with a pest control expert in your area and find out what they think....I will get back to you. If you here something first and can add anything else please ;et me know.....Tina

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you. I will appreciate any additional information you may find. While I very much appreciate the suggestion that we contact the pest control person (we have two on the island) neigher of them could care less about the crabs and would advise just to buy a larger quantitiy of poison and "have at it mon!"  Our crabs here do have purple pinchers and are often referred to as soldier crabs by the natives. I am currently working with the concept of a slick, vertical container (such as a plastic coffee can) and seeing if I can cut down the height to a point that the rats can crawl up and over the side to access the poison, while the crabs cannot climb the slick surface to reach up to the top edge to pull themselves up and over into the container. So far, yet too high for the rats..Thanks,  Rick Jennings

Rick,          Yes soldier crabs are another common name for them. I haven't been able to find anything helpful to you. Sorry, but if I think of anything that may help or find anything I will get back to you. I think they are able to get into anything the rats can though. Maybe put some like rubber on the can with a X sliced into it. So the rats can push their way in and out , but the crabbys can't push through it since they don't have the weight. Sorry can't be more help kiddo, Tina