Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > my hermit crab only has 4 legs!!!!!

my hermit crab only has 4 legs!!!!!

21 14:52:58

QUESTION: My hermit crab only has 4 legs. And i read that they should have 6. I'm worried. He has his 2 claws and 2 little legs on the right side. But on the left side (where his big claw is) he only has the big claw. When ever I put him in a new spot, he always falls on the side where he is missing the legs. What should I do? He is the only hermit crab I have, so please help!!!

ANSWER: What is your substrate, temp, humidity, and water offered?

If your conditions are right, he should regrow those missing limbs when he molts. How long have you had him?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have fine gravel at the bottom of the cage, the temp. is somewhere threw sixty and seventy degrees, the humidity i don't really know, but the water i offer is in a water bowl and i have a sponge.  I have had him since July 2008.

Gravel is not an adequate substrate. You should use sand or ecoearth.

Humidity and temp should be between 74 and 82 and should be measured every day.

You need to offer dechlorinated fresh water and ocean style salt water in pools deep enough for them to get the water into their shells.