Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > A great fall

A great fall

21 14:57:16

  Yesterday i was bathing my crabs and i was oblivious that a crab was climbing out. Suddenly it fell from a 3 feet high table and the shell didn't break. It didn't come out of the shell for bout a minute. Then, it seemed fine. I am just a little concerned about that fall. Is it hurt or injured?

A fall from 3 feet could hurt the crab. They do climb trees in the wild and Im sure they fall. My suggestion would be to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't seem stressed.
Maybe next time you bathem them, do it on the floor where there's no chance of a fall. You can even let them bathe themselves by keeping a "pool" in the tank.