Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > help!


21 14:56:29

my hermit crab came out of its shell yesterday and isn't moving very much. it has been sitting in his water dish very still but moves a tiny bit. is he sick? dieing? having babies? PLEASE HELP ME.

Kenzi,                                                       Make sure you mist him well over and over right now. Get him several shells to choose from. If he is in with others take him out and put him alone. Go to your pet shop immediately and get him some fish stress coat and put it on his naked little abdomen. He will dehydrate very fast while he is streaking. The stress coat will help him easily coax into his new shell. You can try coaxing him yourself by putting his abdomen in a new shell, but I find they would rather be left alone and do it themselves. Also check and make sure he doesn't have brown or black specs on him this is a sign of mites and might explain why he did this. If he does boils they shells and everything in his tank. Throw out his substrate and get new. Good Luck, Tina Please let me know if everything is ok.