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followup to molting tiny crab

21 14:56:53

Hi again--the site made me ask a new question, sorry.
Thanks for your reply. I actually did find my salt water solution and read that it also supplies calcium, so whipped him up a bunch of that and supported his shell by hand while he sat in it--he made no effort to get out and surprised me by how vigorous he was. I went ahead and placed popcorn right in front of him and he ate the whole piece except the kernel; then I gave about a tablespoon of chopped cooked shrimp, which he also ate almost all of (including the tail). Now he is walking around and getting his own water and food (still giving him popcorn and shrimp) but I left him in the little tank. His color is much better and his new leg with big claw is purpling up. He is very skittish compared to formerly. Thanks so much for your advice--I have been feeding them commercial hermit crab food for the last two years without any fresh protein.
By the way, the big crab chowed down on a plain tortilla chip I offered, but didn't eat the shrimp I put in last night for him to try.
I don't think I can put the little one back with the big one again--the big one is incredibly active and I'm really afraid he will kill the little one next time. Will they each be OK solo???? Thanks so much again--Penny

Generally they need a buddy. There are two main reasons for cannibalism. 1. is not enough protein, 2. not enough shell selection. You might try putting them together for supervised playtimes and leave it longer and longer until you feel comfortable putting them back together.

Glad to here your little guy ate so much, it's a very good sign. Normally they eat that whole exo so it's good that he ate so much.