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Hermit Crab Trouble...

21 14:51:34

I have 4 Hermit crabs one that i have had for a very long time over 3yrs. I noticed he had shed his skin like a snake would (yucky) Shortly after that (maybe a week) i noticed he was fully out of his shell. So i tried not to panic reading around i thought he needed a bigger shell. He is already a BIG crab as it is so finding a BIGGER shell for him has not been easy but i found one that i thought fits him cause he moved right into the new BIG shell. But now i noticed he is fully out of his new bigger shell after a week so i washed his old shell and put it back into his tank and he moved back into the old shell...But now he is out his shell again and i am worried something is wrong with him. Any help or advice would help!!

It sounds like you are doing a lot of things right! What is your humidity? If it is low I would suggest raising it very slowly over the next few weeks. It is possible that he injured his abdomen when he was molting and the shells are just uncomfortable. Do you offer ocean style salt water in addition to the fresh water pool?