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Introducing a new hermit crab

21 14:56:31

My PP, Neelix is starting to get a little bit inactive and I'm sure its because he has no tank-mates. I'm thinking of introducing a ruggie and I'm a little confused from all the different information on the web of how to do it.

I already know how to pick a healthy crab, and I think I could tell which species is which at my local pet stores. I'm just not sure what do to when I bring it home.

One site recommended I should first wash the new crab and closely inspect. Another site said I should dunk both the crabs in the same water so they smell the same or something, and then a while ago I remember reading that I should rearrange the tank and put both the new and the old crabs in at the same time so they can meet and then claim their own territory's.

Which is true and what else should I do?

Jenne,                                                       Actually the best way to introduce him is to quarantine him for 5 days and acclimate him to the temperature around him and make sure he is not going to lose limbs from stress or a premature molt.You can take a little substrate from the other tank to get him used to the taste of his new tank mate. The absolutely move everything around and put him in. They should be fine. I have such a large community in such a large  tank I just put them in. They find their spot or I guess a buddy to talk him through it if you only have 2 or 3 they get territorial and can beat him up when your in bed and tear their limbs off..... not to worry they will grow back after a molt. Unfortunately they only molt once every 12 to 18 months. Also if under stress they will drop limbs this is called autonomy. So make sure if you have a small community especially you quarantine them . Also you want to make sure you don't have a crab with mite so look for little brown or black specs on his legs or the bedding around him. Good Luck,Tina