Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > food list

food list

21 14:55:37

hi again! ive just thought of another question.  where can i find a comprehensive safe and unsafe food list for hermit crabs every site ive found has a link to and that site seems to have closed down.  can sumone please compile a new one or direct me somewhere else?
thanks again

Hi again!!
Umm i love to feed mine babyfood on a toothpick by hand to make a bond with them.
They like:
Apples & Bananas
Apples & Pears
Apples, Mango & Kiwi
Sweet Potatoes
Fruit Medley   
Fruit Desserts (any)
You can feed them anything you eat that dosnt come from a machine basically....fruits, vegetables, meat (no seasoning), rice, and many other things....i check my mail very often so if you need to know if you can feed them a certain food e-mail me at .
