Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > substate


21 14:52:45

 I got a hermit crab a couple of days ago and im getting it a friend in a week or so and i was just wondering if, i cant find any more of that white sand stuff the people give you, can i use dirt from my house, gravel, or sand from the beach? also how many crabs would be appropriate to have in a family in a 10 gallon tank, will larger ones fight the other ones?

play sand from the hardware store or coconut fiber bedding like ecoearth or tropisoil are your best options.

in a 10 gallon, it depends on size but I wouldn't keep more than 2 large, 3-6 medium or 8 very small.

size difference doesnt matter, they will all get along