Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Hermit in a shell too big!

Hermit in a shell too big!

21 14:52:59

Yesterday I found one one my baby hermits siting naked by his old shell (I'm assuming he just decided he was too big for it). I put him in an isolation tank with lots of shells, and he went in one that is way to big for him. He's not even in it right, I see his "butt" and back legs that hold the shell, so he's kinda just sitting in the opening. He won't get out of the shell and he's been there for over 12 hours. He can't even move around - I just place him in the tank and he stays there until I move him again. How do I get him out of the shell, or what should I do?

What is the temperature and humidity in your tank? What kinds of water do you offer?

Does the crab have plenty of places to hide?

I would dip his back end in some lukewarm fresh (dechlorinated) water a few times a day to keep him moist and beyond that you're going to have to let him sort himself out.