Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Strawberry hermit crab molting?

Strawberry hermit crab molting?

21 14:53:15

QUESTION: Well both of them. One, the bigger one dug a hole after eating and drinking for several days. The small one has a dull look in the eye and is lethagic but regularly drinks salt water and eats some food. Is it molting or not? Thanks.

ANSWER: It does indeed sound like premolt symptoms. Strawberries have very special needs (different from regular hermit crabs). As long as their conditions are good, I would say that they are about to do a mass molt.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The big one finally covered itself with sand. It has not resurfaced since. The small one however is still lethargic and still eats and drinks a little but never once considered burying itself. Is it okay or is it in trouble? I forgot, the pet store from which I bought them from is really horrible, they did not even give them water. Thanks for your help.

ANSWER: What is the size of your tank? What is the humidity/temp?

Do you offer salt and fresh water? What type of pools are they? How deep?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Size roughly 10 gallons. Humidity and tempreture should be fine because I am from the equator. I offer both types of water and the saltwater is enough to submerge them. The small guy finally gets interested to dig but not for long the big one moved a little under the sand but did not molt.

Molting can take several weeks depending on the size of the crab. Do you offer them a source of natural light? I would still recommend buying a thermometer/hygrometer, I've seen crab owners who think that their conditions are perfect get quite a surprise.

How long have you had them?