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Live Souvenirs

21 14:57:19

I inadverdently picked up a couple of hermit crabs from our vacation at Hilton Head when I was shell collecting.  I felt really bad that I took them from their home and want to make them as comfortable as I can.  I've been reading where you are supposed to keep a lid or saran wrap over the habitat--won't this suffocate them--are you supposed to drill holes?  Right now they are in a clear tupperware storage bin with the lid just sitting loosely on top and about a 1/4" opening on one side.  The substrate is coconut fibre and calci sand, although I don't think I have it as deep as it should be.  I also have two water dishes with a natural sponge in one and just fresh bottled water.  They have a food dish with some T-Rex crab food.  Should they also have salt water?  I've only had them for a week, and am afraid that one may have died.  My husband called me today and said one was out of its shell and looked dead.  I'm hoping that it did a surface molt and is still alive, but won't know until I get home.  Any advice you can give me would be much appreciated.  Thank you.

Hello Sandra, hermit crabs should have salt water and fresh water to drink. If your crab was out of its shell and it is hollow then it is its exo skeleton. Also look in its shell to see if the crab is still in there. You should have some holes in the top so they will not suffocate.
I hope you crabs are ok.