Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > two crabs in one shell?

two crabs in one shell?

21 14:56:25

one of my newer crabs(6mths)has molted, the exoskeleton fell out of shell and now my bigger(2yr old) crab is in that shell! He has to be on top of the other one, because she is no where to be found :(  Help please.

thank you

Although this is very very rare, I have heard of it happening and it always resolves itself. Remember that your little crab has a pincher very close to the soft abdomen of the big one.

What I wonder though, is about the exoskeleton. If you still have it. Does it have an abdomen on it? Sadly the more likely outcome would be that your crab passed away. The best way to tell that is to check and see if the exo has an abdomen.

Please come back and let me know.
