Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Odd question =P

Odd question =P

21 14:56:33

Well, I bought a large bag of shells from a craft store and picked out the ones suitable for hermit crabs and cleaned them pretty well. But I'd like to polish them some how before I offer them, they are a little dry looking. Is there something I can buy thats safe for hermit crabs to make the shells shine a little? Like how shells are in pet stores (not the painted ones of course) Or is there a home way to make the shells less dried out? I know this is a really weird question lol.

Unfortunately there's nothing we can do that won't be risky for your crabs. The high heat/humidity will eventually make anything finish you paint on bubble and crack and the hermies will eat it. The only thing you can do is buff it with a buffer and no chemicals.