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Pickey about shells

21 14:57:27

I have two hermit crabs, and have had them about 2 months. One keeps trying on shells (3) and then moving back into the original, now it is spending more time hanging further out of his shell than I have observed before. I've been trying to observe if it's been eating and drinking more to see if he might need to be put in isolation to molt. Especially after it hid so well the other day (under the food shell). Any suggestions about what it might need?

Hello Katie,
Some crabs are really picky... Can you offer a few more shells? It is normal for them to keep trying new ones on.. some prefer their old one better! I have one crab whom I have had for 2 years and it will not change it shell! As long as your crab is eating and drinking I am sure he is okay! Good Luck and happy crabbing!