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Hermit Crab molting to often

21 14:52:11

QUESTION: My Purple Pincher crab seems to be molting to often. the last time he did was in spring time around April and now he seems to be doing it again i keep the humidity at 75-80 and temp. I'm not sure but i leave the light on all day and turn it off at night. he gets dried fruit and regular hermit crab food with shrimp in it.I give him water from the tap but use safe soak and spray which is suppose to make tap water safe for him to drink and i also use it to mist him and mist his tank. not often though cause his tank(10gal.) keeps humid fairly well.I d'ont put a lot of sand in his tank but he does have a coconut hut to hide in and last time he put sand around it but this time he didn't.I'm really worried he is usually pretty laid back and stress free, he didn't even get stress when i first got him ( no loosing limbs or anything). I hope i didn't do something to upset him.

ANSWER: How big is he?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He is about the size of a clementine orange. (with shell)

It's a little soon but not too bad. I would make sure you are offering him plenty of calcium and fresh meat sources. Drizzle some olive oil over his hermit crab food and if you have any maple leaves in your yard you can offer him those too. Bee pollen is also a great thing to offer. I don't know if you have access to worm castings but they can also get your crab some nutrients that will help him molt more safely.

It's nothing you did, so don't worry about that!