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color of dachsunds

19 17:09:52

What kind of puppies would I have by breeding a long haired and a short haired dachshund. The long haired is brown and the short haired black and tan.

It depends on the genetics and background of the dogs.  You can have smooths and longs.  There are no brown daschshunds so I assume you mean red.  A breeding can produce reds and black and tans, but again, it depends on genetics.  The coat is likely to be a thicker than smooth (that is what a short coat is called)- in-between length.  Some people breed the two types of coats to get a shorter than long hair but a thick coat.  It does not promote the breed.  You could get longs and shorts but I have seen this breeding several times and it is almost alwyas a combination of the coats that I have seen.  Breeding takes a lot of knowledge if you are breeding to get good dogs.  Hope this helps.  Oh, and let me put my plug in for the hundreds of homeless dachshunds out there due to over breeding.