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stinky dog

19 17:09:52

Because of this forum, I have since learned about corn allergies and wiener dogs.  So I have switched her diet, and lo and behold, the itching stopped.  HOWEVER...She stinks like a dog, to high heaven.  She is now two years old.  Do all wiener dogs stink, well, like a dog?  I had huskies and mutts, and Chihuahuas, but no dog smells as bad as this one.  Any advice?

No she should not smell - what diet was she switched to?  That might be causing her issues - there may be something in it she cannot tolerate.  The best foods are the ones with no fillers, no by-products (and that is in a LOT of foods), no corn.  I feed Rachel Ray and my dogs do really well on it.  There is also some natural foods like Newmans Own, moist Freshpet Select which you can find in the refrigerated dog food isle in Farm Fresh, Blooms, Ukrops and others, Solid Gold, and several others.  Remember that if you switch any dog's food it needs to be gradually over several days.  Also check her teeth for a smell, check that her coast and skin is not flaky, and try giving her an oatmeal shampoo bath.  If she continues to smell, have your vet look her over for skin infections such as yeast and stuff.  Good luck!