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chewing and potty training

19 17:09:55

i've got a 7 month old dachshund.. he still chews on blankets and shoes and anything he desires to chew. my vet tells me not to spank him but to hold him by the neck gently and tell him NO! but that has not seemed to help at all. what should i do about this??? he also does not seem to be learning how to go potty out side. i take him out often and yet he comes inside and goes on the floor. dont get me wrong he still does go outside but still inside as well. he has been snapping at me sometimes and im not quite sure how to be the "leader". do i yell at him harshly or what? i just dont know what to do. i love him very much and dont want him to be a problem. could you help me please?

Him snapping at you at 7 months is a bad thing - he can get worse.  Young ones do chew - even adults can chew on things they are not supposed to.  Since you mention the vet I assume he has been checked for any dental issues.  Does he have other things to chew like toys, bones, etc.?  He sounds like he may be insecure if he is chewing, snapping, and not being housebroken.  Does he seem like he has some separation anxiety?  I do not think holding him by the neck will make any difference to him and could make him snappier.  Take things away from him that he should not chew and give him things he can chew on as soon as he goes for it.  Tell him NO, BAD BOY but give him a substitute.  You can also reward him with a treat when he stops when he is told. Make sure he is neutered asap if not already.  He may be getting dominant. Also, try using puppy pads and make sure you give him a treat and lot of praise when he goes outside and tell him NO and take him back out if starts to go inside.  Most dogs do not like being yelled at but do not hit him.  It can make him mean and is not necessary.  You can also try the crate method where if he gets snappy or will not stop chewing when he is told, he is put in time out.