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my 5 year old wont go to the bathroom outside!!

19 17:10:23

I have a 5 Year old Dachshound that will not go to the bathroom outside. My girlfriend and I will walk her for 30-40 min 4 times a day. We only had her for about 2 weeks now and I dont know if she is home sick or what. When we take her out she wont go instead she will wait untill we get home from our walk. What should I do?

Try puppy pads in the house.  If she starts to use them, move them close to the door and then put some outside and see if she will go on them outside.  Lots of praise will help.  Also, if she has a favorite treat, give it to her when she tries to go even if she does not get the job done.  She might be adjusting to her new home.  Also, when she goes if you have just come in from a walk, tell her NO sharply and carry her outside.  Be sure to praise her out there.  If she is not used to going outside it will take some time.  There a lots of websites with advice for housetraining too.  Just put in dog housetraining or housebreaking.  Good luck!  She will be able to learn!