Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Dachshunds > Blue Dachshunds breeding w/ Blues

Blue Dachshunds breeding w/ Blues

19 17:10:42

QUESTION: I have heard that Blue Dachshunds are the result of breeding practices which result in the malformation or death of most of the offspring. Is this true? Thank You for your time.

ANSWER: The "Blue" coloration is the result of a recessive gene expressed on black and tan genetics.  They will begin to lose most of their hair around their first birthday.  I have not heard about the offspring dieing.  It is very rare to have a blue puppy and the main problem they face is the lack of hair.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is it possible that intentional breeding to achieve this coloration, Blues bred with Blues, may be harmful to the litters produced?

The only genetic disorder listed for them is alopecia which is the hair loss issue I mentioned earlier.

Since the coloration is very rare (even more so than the Isabellas), there may have not been extensive breeding and research done on the genetics.  The hair loss is not desirable so I don't think breeders tend to breed for this trait or breeds two blues together.  

When you start to narrow the gene pool with intentional breeding (blue x blues, piebalds x piebalds, etc), you will see even more genetic disorders come about.  For instance, in piebalds and double dapples, there is an issue of hearing loss and also blindness.  It's possible that dogs exhibiting this recessive trait could also be carriers for lethal genes as well.