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daschund walking

19 17:10:27

my male 14 lb daschund does not like to go for walks. He hates his harness and leash and hides behind the couch when he sees me put my tennis shoes on. I also need to know how far to walk him, he usually gets tired after 1/2 mile tongue hanging out etc..  I am getting a 4yr old 7 lb female daschund and need to know the same thing.  also how do I get her to stop peeing when you come home and she is excited.

Takes along his favorite treat in your pocket and give it to him occasionally as you walk.  Also, it sounds like he is out of shape so do like you would if you were out of shape - small walks more frequently and build up to it.  Also, if it is really hot he may have problems with the heat and don't forget little paws on hot pavement hurt!  Her peeing may get better after she feels like she is in a permanent home and is not worried about being displaced again.  Submissive peeing is hard to stop, so if you can, try to calm her down quickly.