Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Dachshunds > help!


19 17:10:18

Alright, well i have recently given my Dachshund away to one of my mothers friends because i have been too busy with school. Today i had gotten to take her home with me so i could spend some time with her. At supper time i called her over to me to give her a treat and she ran right behind me and fell to the ground, she would flip on her side and her legs would shake and she tried to puch her face to the ground. My stepfather told me to take off her harnes (which was new, from her new owners) saying that it might be too tight and was cutting off her circulation. After the harness was off she was still tipsy so i took her outside, she was still shaking a bit and had trouble standing but soon snapped out of it. I do not know what was wrong with her. Was it a seizure? Because my cousin had a dog who had seizures and  it didnt look quite the same.

I could tell you more if I saw it but most of the time seizures are where the dog loses control.  It my have been a seizure so that means she needs medical attention.  She will need to be on meds to control the seizures.  I have a dog with seizures - they can last up to several minutes and it does take awhile for them to snap back.  It is not her harness.  Please make sure she gets to the vet asap.  You also need to keep track of how frequent her seizures are and how long they last.